A Massachusetts approved therapeutic day school educating students with complex social, emotional, and learning challenges.

Campus Connections


12 Jun 2024
Anxiety-fueled school refusal
12 Jun 2024
Boston Globe Article: Anxiety-fueled school refusal ...
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05 May 2023
05 May 2023
Gifford Hosts Legislative Breakfast ...
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20 Apr 2023
Summer Program
20 Apr 2023
Summer Fun & Learning ...
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15 Mar 2023
Celebrating One Year with our Therapy Dog
15 Mar 2023
Griffin enhances Gifford's therapeutic milieu ...
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09 Jan 2023
Gifford School names Marshfield’s Dr. Diana Perry to Board of Directors
09 Jan 2023
Children’s/South Shore Hospital physician is mother of 2021 graduate of Weston MA therapeutic school ...
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01 Dec 2022
01 Dec 2022
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21 Jul 2022
The Gifford School welcomes a therapy dog to our community
21 Jul 2022
Read More About The Gifford School welcomes a therapy dog to our community
11 Mar 2022
Gifford School Students Organize for Social Change
11 Mar 2022
On Friday, March 11, students from Gifford’s high school and middle school Gender Sexuality Alliance Clubs (GSA) spearheaded a walkout in conjunction with a national youth movemen ...
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16 May 2021
Students Research Local Endangered Species
16 May 2021
Middle school students at The Gifford School in Weston participated in an investigative project on local endangered species, including the Northern Long-Eared Bat, the Brown Bat, t ...
Read More About Students Research Local Endangered Species
14 Dec 2020
The Gifford School Offering In-Person Learning
14 Dec 2020
Published by The Weston Town Crier ...
Read More About The Gifford School Offering In-Person Learning

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There aren't enough ways to express, say, write, or emote our deep and sincere gratitude for the staff at Gifford. The support we feel from the members of the Gifford community has had a life-changing impact on our student, which transcends to our entire family unit. Not just one life is improved, but a whole family has been lifted. Ripples. You all are firmly locked on our Gratitude List.

- Danielle B., parent of lower school student

Thank you for ALL of your hard work!  We really do appreciate all of your effort in helping our son be the best version of himself.

- Jen & Chris L., parents of middle school student

As a graduating senior, I was in all three of Gifford's programs. Staff strive to make connections with students which is so helpful as it creates a more comfortable environment for students to learn, grow, and take positive risks. I would like to thank my parents for finding such an accepting school for me. My time at Gifford has allowed me to develop into who I am now and has given me the foundation to continue to grow.

- Gifford Graduate Class of 2022

Luca entered The Gifford School as a fragile, middle schooler who had not been in school for several months.  He was anxious, but eager to get back to some sort of a routine as well. The support and encouragement he has received over the years has made a tremendous difference not only in his life, but in our entire family's as well. It is a blessing for us to know that he leaves home in the morning with a positive outlook and looking forward to his day, and that he comes home happy every single day too! 

He has had many bumps along the way, and he continues to face challenges in his academic and social endeavors, however with the support and tools you have all given him he is now able to face challenges without completely falling apart.  Everything you do each day for our kids changes them and changes the trajectory of their lives. Thank you for all of your efforts!

- Family of 2022 Graduate Luca K.

"I am so grateful for all the Gifford staff. When my daughter arrived in 9th grade, she had been through several years of intense pain, which had decimated her self esteem and ability to learn. With the support and care of Gifford, she was able to get back in touch with her strengths and find a community that allowed her to blossom. From the teachers to the administrators to the clinicians to support staff to those working as helpers or in the front office or kitchen or grounds, there is so much support at Gifford, and it makes the school stand out from all the others." 



-Parent of 2023 graduate

"Thank you Gifford teachers and staff! Our child being at Gifford has changed everything. He wants to attend school.  He is engaged.  He talks about friends and teachers in a positive way. 

Thanks to the Gifford teachers and staff, our child is talking about their plans for “when they grow up.”  They see possibilities for themself. They have hope for their future success - amazing transformation from when they were in the local public system.

Gifford teachers and staff helped our child see themself as a smart, capable, valued student in a community.  They recognize that they are just like everyone else, an individual with their own learning needs and preferences and challenges.  In their previous academic setting they were labeled as an outlier and defined by their differences."



- Wendy and Jon B., parents of high school student

Teacher helping student
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