Admissions & Placement Process

Gifford has a rolling admissions process with students starting throughout the school year as well as in our 20 day summer program.

The admissions process starts with the student’s public school district. Once the public school district has made a placement referral, our Admissions Director reviews the paperwork to determine if we have the right supports and services. 
Referral information usually includes a recent IEP, current school functioning, an academic and cognitive profile, diagnostic assessments and any pertinent clinical information.

The Admissions Director will then contact the family to deliver a program overview and schedule a tour. Once all relevant information is gathered, the Admissions Committee will meet to determine if a placement will be offered to the student.

Following is an informative video provided by the Massachusetts Association of Approved Private Schools (MAAPS) about how the special education placement process works.

MAAPS Placement Process Video